This past Saturday was our final day of the market. It was beautiful weather, not a rainy day all season. We want to thank all the supports and shoppers who made our market a success. Through 15 markets we saw an average of of 200 shoppers each week buying the freshest tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, greens, garlic, onions, and berries, from farmers all growing within 30 miles of Hartford.
At the GROW booth we had the last of our tomatoes for sale including green tomatoes...Here is what to do with them:
-Heat to a boil a brine of about 1 cup water to 1/2 cup white vineger and 2 tbs salt (have enough brine to cover tomatoes)
-Place tomatoes (about 2 cups worth) in glass jars or corning weara bowl w/lid
-Add a few cloves of garlic, chunks of onion, and a a hot pepper, if you like
-Add a tsp of dill seed (opitional)
-Pour hot brine over tomatoes and other seasoniongs, cover and put in the frinde for a least a week for pickles to sour....Enjoy
See you all at the market next season!