Beautiful pile This is our newest compost at the Grow Hartford site. The compost pile is waist high and is made up of leaves, peppers, cellery, ground coffee and hay. It was alot of work but with team work the task was easier. Our visitors were students from Uconn that were studing nutrtion.
We first went to the Fresh Impression comapany and loaded the items into our truck (four large barrels). Second we then brought them back to the garden. Third we layer the spot where we wanted the compost pile to be and worked from there. After that the pile got higher and higher as we added the many layers. After a while the copmost was to the height we wanted and we were done lastly covering it with hay so that the rodents and other animals get to it.
Jerica Sandiford
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Jerica participating on a panel on childhood obesity at the Legislative Office Building where she met Morgan Spurlock of Supersize Me fame. Also with her were other youth participants, legislators and professionals in nutrition and health.
Thank You UCONN Dietetic students Jenn, Lauren, Victoria, ...and of course Jerica, our great youth crew leader for a great winter day in the garden. Great Work!
In May 2004, ten youth from Hartford began converting a half-acre lot in Hartford into an organic vegetable operation to encourage active lifestyles and foster community action related to food security and sustainable agriculture. The urban farm will serve as an outdoor classroom for more than one-hundred young people and families. These families will learn about making healthy food choices and how food is grown.