July 23: Today we went to Northwest Park in Windsor, CT. First we went on a hike and we took the trail near the rainbow reservoir. On our way to the trail we heard a lot of “nature calls”. We past this deserted looking barn that looked scary. Before we got to the end of the trail we had to hike solo and read these little notes Shannon left on the trail, one of the notes that I liked was the one that said something about my great great great grandmother didn’t use toilets to use the bathroom they used buckets. That was true. After the hike we visited the animals in the barn and saw a horse, cow, sheep, goats, turkeys, chicken, a rooster, and some chicks. We also went to the Nature Center. It had a lot of stuffed animals like owls, a sea turtle, a turkey, and a
red tail hawk. Which was one of our favorites because we have the same bird around our garden. There were live turtles and snakes like a Boa Constrictor and a black rat snake. (Daisy Huertas)