Thursday, June 3, 2004
The following are clips from a discussion we had the day after watching Supersize me. We asked the group to discuss the movie with someone at home or school. Donna talked to her health teacher and found out that he had once been very unhealthy from eating fast food but had changed to a healthier diet. Jerica (who was quite upset by the movie) used it as a topic for debate among friends and in her current events class. Here are some of the questions and responses in our discussion:
Why do you think Spurlock chose to do this experiment? Was it effective? It what ways?
The movie showed that lots of people get fat off fast food and that a lot of people eat fast food a lot.
I want to eat some of my mom's cooking too. People get big from eating McDonald's. -Rodney
What is the school lunch program like at your school? What choices do you make when you eat lunch at school?
Different schools eat different things. Some schools food comes out of boxes and is not replaced freshly. It's unfair. We want to eat well. It depends on who is running the system. Who has the money. If people want to think of food we could eat better. [This participant also described how the fresh salads at her school were often made with brown wilted lettuce making other options, such a pizza, more appealing] -Jerica
[At my school] we have some cheap freezer stuff. It is shipped and frozen and stuff and then they feed it to the kids. The teachers don't eat that but the students do. -Rodney
[We asked the group what they considered fast food? Is the food your mom makes fast food? Is Spurlock's point that fast food is bad?]
You get it fast. Fast food is cooked by someone else. But fast food can be healthy. [We also had a short discussion about bread. The participants felt that wonder bread is not healthy food, but wheat bread is.]The quality of the food. Now they take meat out of the freezer and put it in the microwave. - Donna, Rodney
How is this movie related to what we are doing at GROW Hartford? Why do you think we watched it?
It's related because our food is healthy. We grow our stuff and theirs is shipped. [They put] lots of other stuff in the food. [Do you think McDonald's would use the vegetables we harvest at GROW Hartford?] No! They were trying to say if [it was cheaper to get fresh foods people would.] If people would advertise healthier foods then other people would eat it.